Saturday, May 30, 2015

Review of T-Man and the Game

A big thanks to Lance Smith for the great review.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Charlie's favorite book

Today was "Bring your favorite book to school Day" for Charlie. After listing through about 10 different books he couldn't decide what his favorite book was. He didn't want to take any of the ones that we said. Finally, even though it wasn't one that we mentioned, Charlie said "I want to take Dad's book." That made me feel good. He's a good boy! :)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Giveaway link

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Goodreads Book Giveaway\

T-Man and the Game by C.J. Boerger\

T-Man and the Game\


by C.J. Boerger\


Giveaway ends May 07, 2015.\


See the giveaway details\
at Goodreads.\

Enter to Win\